Saturday, October 30, 2004

A Scribe full of surprises

The scribe returned early from his trip and I found that I was more excited to see his return than I had imagined I could feel. He saw that I had managed well in his absense and was pleased with my work for him. There is however an undercurrent there and I attempt to look at him as I have other men, just a man that wants a soft and supple slave nearby for nothing more than pleasure.

The Scribe has turned the tables on me.

A man that I thought I would be timid and closed off to a slave like me, a man that I was certain that I would be the teacher... he.. is full of surprises. I had not known how to behave with him, usually I am bold and brassy with no qualms to seduce a man yet I have been so careful with him because he was so different. I didn't want to scare him away.. I am sure that was what was on my mind because I found that I wanted to be with him and this too was something I was not prepared for. And what did he do? He pricked my skin and got underneath and when he decided that he would have me as a slave beneath him.. sly man, he handled me perfectly, exacting what he wanted from me while leaving me in shock and breathless and ... hooked. He informed me that he would buy me from Aris and if not, he would steal me. I was excited yet sad at the prospect. He had read my journal and felt he had figured out much about me, the slave called Bela. He asked me about my children, my life.. This is a man that is drawing me into his life as part of his life.. this is so different from what I know. Max always felt like a visitor in my life and it is amazing that it has taking many years to finally see that.

The Scribe took control of me last night.. me, silly woman that thought I would teach him, he turned and had my body leaping in lovely submission beneath the skill of his touch and command of me in its entirety... release was swift and from nowhere.. my body writhing well beneath his. But it goes way beyond sex.. I have let him past the walls I keep up or perhaps he will not let them stand in his way..

Today he met with Aris.. today he purchased me without my being there and told me later as he used the key to unlock my collar, his collar replacing the one I wore. He said the old collar would be gotten rid of, he would not have it around as a reminder. This is permanent and I will step into a future with him. His quiet characteristics are not to be believed as he well had a handle on the woman that is now his slave and he will have me serve him in perfection. He told me I might see Aris again some day but too he told me that I would not see my children again as he is breaking all ties to Maximus. It is in the best interest of his slave...

A Scribe. My Master.

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