Saturday, December 23, 2006

More Surprises

When on my way back from shopping I came upon Dawson who looked extremely angry at me. I thought to do a nice thing for Aris by giving him some time off. I know Dawson pays him now but did not realize Dawson has been paying my other guards as well. He is furious and said Claudus would be killed. Well, perhaps I didn't care at first but I really hope he doesn't have to die... he is just not as good as Aris is at his job. While I know I will have to deal with his anger, in a way it is reassuring ..

I wonder if I dare give him the gift I bought him. I wanted to mark the two en'vars.. ah well.

I did as Dawson told me, I went straight back home. I didn't disturb Aris.. he needs some time off and time to enjoy some personal time.

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