Friday, December 15, 2006

The Longest Hand Ever..

While I have been extremely busy this hand, still it seems to drag on by as I impatiently try to patiently wait for his return from business. I am rather excited to show him the progress Aris and I have made this week and wonder if he will feel there was progress made.. You can never tell with him.

We have been up at dawn and to bed late. It keeps me busy so I don't get too weepy over the absense of my darling brood. I am fixing a package to send to them with a note telling them I will be coming to see them soon.

I love the vineyard at this time of year.. the air is cold, wilds a bit aggressive from the river. A quiet about the land as it rests and gains strength for the next growing season. The cask makers have been busy and working over time. Aris has been seeing to their bonus for their time put in. All in all, things are running smoothly.

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