Sunday, January 22, 2006


While at the desk, working on a letter that I need to get sent off, Akil was heard calling down the hallway for me as he approached our room. Tonight I stepped past the night of my claiming to a step beyond, a future marked by the man himself. In two hands time the old brands will be removed.

An urgency resides in me and while I remember this back in the day when I lived exactly as my breeding dictated.. slowly over the years those needs have thinned, have diluted by the confusion of a woman caught between free and slave. I like being a free woman. I enjoy my life as it but there are times when Akil reminds me that I am his woman, his concubine and more than anything, a female... free or not, I know it would be easy to beg things in that state of mind that I might regret. I live the life of a free woman yet I am a submitted woman, to one.

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