Monday, November 06, 2006

The Masked Man

How bold was I tonight. I think it was the way he looked at me at first. His gaze on me made me think about my posture and I did preen a slight for his continued attention. A man on kaiila and a mask worn. I know what he is, I lived with the Tuchuks a time back when Trajen and another took me from the arena. I crept toward him and soon found myself lost in conversation with him. Before I knew it an ahn had gone by and I was still rapt and he with ease seemed to know things about me. A beauty was called to him, he looked at her and knew she would be his slave. She is a barbarian with pale features, dark hair and pretty slanted eyes.

I took my leave to offer them some privacy. I have been invited to visit with him again and I do look forward to doing so. A little giddy from the kiss he took from me, leashed, I was led down the hill. I have become so introverted and reclusive.. I have no idea what inspired my boldness but for a while tonight I was comfortable in my own skin.

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