Tuesday, December 27, 2005

A Longer Visit

Back in Ar for a while, I decided to head to Jula again to visit. This stay has ended up longer than planned and for the time being is indefinate. I am enjoying myself there and for the first time in a while I am allowing myself to enjoy, to not over worry things and to just be. I enjoy the time spent with Akil and instead of the Inn, he has put me in a room at his house, Aris in the next room over. It is more comfortable than the Inn, the gardens are lovely as well.

At times I am not sure if he is serious by the things he will say, I do not know him overly well and while he teases in some regards, I think he might be deadly serious. When I broached the subject of the children, I said I would have to go back or bring them to me and was leaning toward heading to Turmus to meet them there at the vineyard on the river. It had been decided that the children will meet me here. Aris was sent to see to their safety on the journey with instructions to add an entourage of guards until my children are safe with me. I have had word that they have set out on their journey. I am very excited to see them.

Work is still taking place.. I manage both wineries, Marcus' and mine, by documents coming back and forth. At some point I will have to go to Ar to oversee the bottling. The Turmus winery is small enough and my staff trustworthy so I don't worry about that winery much.

Reck - - if only he knew what a space he left in my life. I owe him much for reminding me that there is a life to reach out and grab. I have ended up playing it safe and have become so stagnant. Now, I allow myself to look out to the horizon and start.. there.

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